Violet - 3.5 Months
"Erin was a pleasure to work with. We chose the plan that included daily telegram support, which I highly recommend. She made a sleep plan for us, provided a plethora of sleep education, and answered my many daily questions. I was really nervous to do sleep training on our own; part of me thought that our baby would hate us for allowing her to cry. I'm not sure I would have been able to commit to the training without Erin cheering us on and reminding us to stay strong. Erin definitely took a lot of the stress away. She helped troubleshoot the daily nap/bedtime schedule, which can be a struggle! Training has made the 4-month sleep regression that much easier. I think we are almost through it, and it hasn't been that bad! I haven't had to get up with her during the night since we started training! She gave me the confidence to face any future obstacle head-on. Since completing training, we have had one late night putting baby to bed for family photos and a vaccine appointment during nap time. She has become so much more flexible with her sleep, falling asleep in places that, prior to, she wouldn't have. While we will strive to provide most naps in her crib or pack-n-play (on the go), it's nice to know that if we are unable to provide either that she is flexible to nap wherever we are. She was a pretty happy baby prior to training, but I think she is that much happier getting better naps and nighttime sleep. I'm a happier and better mom for doing sleep training and no longer contact napping! It really gives you a piece of mind and a sense of pride when your baby can just put themselves to sleep! Thank you so much, Erin; this was a life-changing experience for us! I highly recommend Erin if you are looking to successfully sleep train your baby/child with daily support and expertise. " - Jenna C. Riley - 3.5 YO & Bodhi - 1.5 YO
"Erin is a pleasure to work with. She is understanding and knowledgeable and has strategies that work. Before Erin, my 3.5-year-old and 1.5-year-old were waking up continuously throughout the night, and everyone in the house was exhausted and miserable. By the time our lessons with Erin were though, our children no longer fight or fuss and now sleep through the night. Her insight and knowledge base has truly changed our family's nights into restful sleeps. My husband and I could not have done this without her. " - Melissa & John A. Astrid - 5 Months
"The internet is full of parents who have opinions on what makes a successful sleeping baby and nursery setup, but they completely contradict one another. It is frustrating, and when you're in the thick of this chaos, you will try everything, which means nothing works. We put ourselves through so much trying to solve our little girl's sleep issues and just assumed it was the four-month sleep regression. After weeks of her only napping for 10-30 minutes, waking up screaming after 30 minutes at bedtime, needing to feed to sleep, and having complete meltdowns for nap and sleep time, we decided to bring in a professional. It was so relieving to have a professional weed out the misinformation and set us up with clear guides for us as parents to follow. In one night, our daughter stopped needing night feeds and, within just a couple of nights, slept through the night (meaning, she was able to put herself back to sleep). In a few days, she was getting better, fuller naps during the day. Honestly, after the first week, we just t had situation-specific questions we needed guidance for; otherwise, our baby was a sleeping superstar at just five months old! When I have told family and friends we hired a sleep consultant, many didn't know it was an option. Those who have littles are now considering this option if their little needs that helping hand. Don't be afraid to get help. It may seem like something you as the parent should just be able to solve, but you don't need to do this alone. Give yourself the relief and let someone else guide you." Landis R. Parker - 6 Months
I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was nervous about what the process would entail and didn’t want someone to judge how I was parenting My little one can sleep through the night! And her naps are longer and more predictable. She went from waking every other hour in the night needing to be rocked back to sleep to sleeping 12 hours straight on her own. Her naps also improved and went from 15-30 minutes to over an hour! I appreciated the support and the information Erin provided. She was very easy to talk to and had no judgement whatsoever. There were some rough days but with Erin’s help we got through them and are so glad we stuck it out! Both baby and parents are now getting their much-needed sleep! This process has provided both my husband and I the confidence to move forward with our daughter’s sleep schedule. We know that there will be bumps along the way, but we now have the tools to help us through those times. Erin is very down to earth and takes her time with you. It really made us feel important and listened to. She was very informative and patient with our many questions! Alyssa H. Mackenzie - 7.5 Months
"I forgot what sleeping through the night was like, until I starting working with Erin!!! At first i was a little skeptical when she mentioned that she would be able to have my little girl taking 3 naps a day and sleeping 10-12 hours a night; after all she barely napped and would sleep for 3-4 hours at a time during the night. I could not believe the results. Erin walked me through the process, and mentioned that it was going to be tough because there were a lot of "bad" habits that needed to be changed. Erin gave me the confidence to not give in to every cry, that its okay for babies to cry it's good for their lungs. The first few days were tough, I won't lie. As a mom I never like to hear my little one cry. I will pick her up and rock her back to sleep or just let her sleep on me just so she'd stay sleeping. But Erin has taught me the skills and confidence I needed to get through the first hump. I was amazed after the first few days. My little one went down for her naps like clockwork, and she consistently slept through the night for 12 hours!!!!!!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better sleep consultant. Erin was there to answer any of my questions, give me advice when she noticed different sleeping issues, and did follow up calls throughout this sleep journey. 10 out of 10 :)” Britta N. Rose - 1YO "Our 1 year old daughter was still waking up frequently in the night. And we were lucky if we could get her to sleep for 45 min naps during the day. I had tried the sleep sense program, and it made a little difference, but we still weren’t where we wanted to be. I found out about Erin through the sleep sense website. She is incredibly easy to talk. Within a few nights of following the suggestions Erin made, our daughter was sleeping longer and having better daytime naps. By the end of our three weeks together, she is sleeping 12 hours through the nights and usually having a 2 hour mid day nap. She’s so much happier and content during the day and so much easier to put to bed or back to sleep if she does wake up. Als a parent who was extremely exhausted, I couldn’t see all the small little things that I could change to help our daughter. We are so grateful for Erin’s support.”
Kristine G. "We thought that we we're past the point of no return with our 9 month old. He wouldn't sleep without either being nursed or rocked. He would wake 5-6 times a night and would never sleep in his crib. He was either in his mother's arms or in bed with both of us. Nobody was sleeping and we were reaching critical madness. After the first week and half of this program, he would fall asleep on his own, sleep 12 hours a night, by himself, and if he awoke, he would self-sooth and go back down. 2, one hour naps per day, by himself in his crib. A borderline miracle. We are a different family now, everybody is sleeping, when he cries, we know something is wrong rather than guessing if he's tired ( before this he was, all the time). My advice, is DO IT, put aside your reservations, and do it. It will improve yours & your child's lives 10 fold. It's a tough go for the first few days, but worth its weight in gold in the end. Never mind $400, I would have paid $4000 if I'd had known the results.”
Brent & Terra Oakley - 4 Months I wasn't sure if spending the money was going to be worth it. Now I can say with confidence it WAS worth it! I have my sanity back! I started this journey with waking up 4x a night and dealing with 30-40 min crap naps all day with my baby. I am now down to 1x a night and he's napping 3 solid naps a day that last anywhere from 1-3 hours depending. I don't feel like I'm living at a sleep torture camp anymore! I can't thank you enough for your support on those days I wanted to give up, for answering my 1000 questions and for giving me back some much-needed sleep. Candice Y. Caleb - 9 Months “Our son at 9-10 months old was waking 2-3 times a night (only nursing once), and would have 3 naps a day, each nap at 20 minutes in length. He also had no idea how to put himself to sleep. Soothers, car rides, swings, stroller walks, carriers, nothing worked. The only way he would fall asleep was for us to rock him. Sometimes, not often, nursing would put him to sleep. Rocking him to sleep would take approx. 20-30 minutes each time. We were exhausted and had no hope in our son being able to fall asleep on his own and to stay asleep. We really did not think the process would work but decided to give it a chance. What did we have to lose. He already wasn't sleeping so may as well try. He is NOW sleeping through the night and actually having two naps a day at 1-2 hours each nap!!!! On top of that, he is putting himself asleep in his crib! We put him in his crib and 10-20minutes later he is asleep. The 10-20 minutes in the crib he is calm, happy even and blabbing to himself. If you feel exhausted and that your little one is just not sleeping or/and cant fall asleep, give it a try! It really does work!” Charlene & Corey W. Felix - 10 Weeks Old
We were initially concerned about hiring a Sleep Consultant due to my sons age (10 weeks), we were concerned that he was too young, and the recommendations would be too strict. I was also worried that maybe I wouldn’t have the emotional fortitude to implement the recommendations. But once we started working with Erin she put our concerns at ease. Right from the beginning she explained to us that this would be a rollercoaster and reminded us of this throughout our time together. She is a Mom herself and has been through this with her own children. Her stepwise approach works to gradually build the baby’s skills, as well as the skills of the parents. She offers straight forward advice, and was always willing and open to meet us where we were at. Erin was always available to ask as many questions as we needed throughout the process. The WhatsApp texting allowed us to get fairly real time answers to questions or concerns as they came up. My little guy now sleeps in his crib, on his own for all of his sleep both during the day and at night! I put Felix down and he falls asleep on his own within 5-10 minutes, and there is very little fussing. When there is fussing I now have the skills to be able to help him settle without panicking. Felix sleeps 10 to 12 hours every night, along with 3 to 4 hours of daytime sleep. We are now a well-rested happy family, and are able to enjoy our time together!! I would recommend Erin to any parents who are struggling with sleep. I believe that quality sleep for parents and babies is invaluable for mental health, enjoyment, and development. Both my husband and I are really enjoying the experience of being new parents, even during a global pandemic, and I believe a large part of that is because the whole family is well rested. Thank you for guiding us through the process of helping Felix learn how to sleep! Henry & Theodore - 6 month old Twins
As first-time (twin!!) parents everything was overwhelming. Erin helped work with us, at our own pace, to create healthy sleep habits for our boys and by 5.5 months were in their own cribs sleeping 12 hours a night. She listened to us when we had concerns and issues and helped to resolve them immediately. We are very grateful for Erin and everything she helps us accomplish with our rockstar sleeping boys!! I would recommend Erin to all parents that value a good night's sleep! Bohdan 14 months
At first we were hesitant about hiring a sleep consultant because everything that we had tried didn’t work. But once we took the plunge we were so happy that we did. Erin made the process to get Bohdan to sleep clear and easy to follow. Now almost every night our little guy sleeps through the night without any, or much, fuss, and actually naps during the day! Thanks to Erin's program I have my evenings and nights free, without running to the baby to get him back to sleep again, and again. Bohdan is able to sleep by himself, and our household has been able to sleep more and worry less. I would recommend Erin’s services to any parents struggling with their child's sleep patterns! Thanks to partnering with Erin our baby is able to get the rest he needs, and so can we! |
To The Moon and Back Sleep ConsultingProviding families the tools & support they need to get their little ones sleeping through the night and napping like champs! Everyone has more fun when they are well rested! Browse: