"We thought that we we're past the point of no return with our 9 month old. He wouldn't sleep without either being nursed or rocked. He would wake 5-6 times a night and would never sleep in his crib. He was either in his mother's arms or in bed with both of us. Nobody was sleeping and we were reaching critical madness. After the first week and half of this program, he would fall asleep on his own, sleep 12 hours a night, by himself, and if he awoke, he would self-sooth and go back down. 2, one hour naps per day, by himself in his crib. A borderline miracle. We are a different family now, everybody is sleeping, when he cries, we know something is wrong rather than guessing if he's tired ( before this he was, all the time). My advice, is DO IT, put aside your reservations, and do it. It will improve yours & your child's lives 10 fold. It's a tough go for the first few days, but worth its weight in gold in the end. Never mind $400, I would have paid $4000 if I'd had known the results.”
Brent & Terra |
To The Moon and Back Sleep ConsultingProviding families the tools & support they need to get their little ones sleeping through the night and napping like champs! Everyone has more fun when they are well rested! Browse: