Do you want to know something that really gets me fired up? It’s when Moms (either online or in real life) are talking sleep, and I hear comments like this: “You should just enjoy getting up to nurse all night because someday he’ll be all grown up and you’ll miss it. You really need to enjoy every moment! ” Or: “You were the one who decided to have children. Did you REALLY think you’d be getting a full night’s sleep for the next few years?” Or my all-time favorite: “Well, you’d better learn to live with it; that's just part of being a mom!” My fingers are starting to burn just writing about this, so I’m going to ‘fire back’ with my top three myths about teaching your baby to sleep well: Myth #1: Your baby will not love you in the..... Myth #1: Your baby will not love you in the morning. |
To The Moon and Back Sleep ConsultingProviding families the tools & support they need to get their little ones sleeping through the night and napping like champs! Everyone has more fun when they are well rested! Visit Wollino - Discount Code: TOTHEMOONANDBACK10