Momma’s why are we continuing to let society make us believe that in order to be a good mom we need to just suffer through, that we need to give up on taking care of ourselves, that the kids have to come first 150% of the time?!?!? Guess what? We have to stop accepting this as truth, because it’s not the truth! Sometimes we do it to ourselves, sometimes it’s our significant others or family members. We have to advocate for ourselves because no one else is going to! Sleep Deprivation is actually used as a form of torture to break someone’s will! Think about that! I am not at all suggesting that there is not an element of being a new parent that inevitably leads to a level of sleeplessness, but there is no award for who can hold out the longest! Not getting enough sleep can impact all facets of your life. You cannot be the mom that you envisioned after prolonged periods of sleep deprivation. Your relationship, your friendships and perhaps work, will likely begin to suffer. There is not one person alive that can function at their best without adequate sleep. This includes your child. Struggling to get your little one to sleep through the night? Whether you're dealing with early wake-ups or endless bedtime battles, our personalized sleep solutions are here to help. Don't wait—take the first step towards peaceful nights and well-rested days. Book your Free Sleep Evaluation today and discover how we can make sleep a reality for your family. |
To The Moon and Back Sleep ConsultingProviding families the tools & support they need to get their little ones sleeping through the night and napping like champs! Everyone has more fun when they are well rested! Visit Wollino - Discount Code: TOTHEMOONANDBACK10