Mom's and Dad's I am guessing that most of your are falling into the actually "sleep deprived" category and don't even realize it! I am also betting that a number of your little ones are also falling into this category and it's probably showing up in ways that you didn't even think were a thing. Seriously, if you think that having constant broken sleep because of your little one's lack of independent sleep skills isn't affecting your spouse, your child(ren) or you; you are wrong!! What qualifies as sleep deprivation and how does it affect us?![]() "What actually qualifies as "sleep deprivation" can vary from study to study; though between three and five hours of sleep generally counts." Broken sleep night after night IS you lacking sleep and building up an incredible sleep debt while you're at it. This can cause so many problems that you might not be aware of. "The neurological consequences of major sleep deprivation are pretty well-known -- so much so that we can actually track the order in which you lose various faculties as you stay awake for extremely long periods of time.." "But we're increasingly discovering that there are other ways in which getting insufficient shut-eye can hurt your health, whether you're an adult or a nap-deprived kid. (No, really.) It's far more than just a bit of lost sleeping time; spending fewer hours in bed than you should can damage your brain development, your eating habits and your gut..." Read the full article here: How sleep deprivation impacts your brain, your stomach and your entire body We're increasingly discovering that there are other ways in which getting insufficient shut-eye can hurt your health. BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Here is another article supporting the notion that sleep deprivation is not something to be taken lightly. Lack of Sleep is (Literally) Killing You: Here's Why and What to Do, According to Science By Scott Mautz He points out that "sleep deprivation (classified as getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night) has been linked to a host of diseases including Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, hyperglycemia, and poor mental health, among other health issues." .. "More than 20 large-scale epidemiological studies show that the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. And we haven't even mentioned yet that you just have less energy and motivation when sleep deprived." Find out more Here! If your lack of sleep is due to your little one not having healthy sleep habits or independent sleep skills; it's time to ask for help! It's pretty likely that these issues are not something that will just get better on their own. Plus you need to remember that ALL of the health issues that science is linking to lack of sleep also applies to our children! We need to make sleep the priority that it should be, so we all can live our best life! xo Erin Neri About the AuthorI am the mother of two amazing little boys who did not come pre-programmed with the skills to sleep well independently. I knows how hard it is to function on little to no sleep, I understands how this impacts your ability to be the best version of the mom that you want to be. This is what led me to become a Certified Sleep Consultant and the founder of To The Moon and Back Sleep Consulting. I am also a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants. I have a background in Psycology and have worked with families and young children in many different settings for over 19 years. One of the best parts of my job is seeing the impact that TEACHING their little moon bugs healthy/independent sleep skills has on the momma's!! Struggling to get your little one to sleep through the night? Whether you're dealing with early wake-ups or endless bedtime battles, our personalized sleep solutions are here to help. Don't wait—take the first step towards peaceful nights and well-rested days. Book your Free Sleep Evaluation today and discover how we can make sleep a reality for your family. |
To The Moon and Back Sleep ConsultingProviding families the tools & support they need to get their little ones sleeping through the night and napping like champs! Everyone has more fun when they are well rested! Visit Woolino - Use the LINK to get 10% off.